We believe that the BIBLE is the INFALLIBLE and supreme word of God.
Accordingly we affirm our belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the saviour and redeemer of mankind.
We believe in evangelism as the supreme task of the church in proclaiming and propagating secretly and openly, the gospel of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
We believe in Divine trinity.
We believe in repentance towards God, Act 3:19.
We believe in sanctification (Holiness) and holy living separated from lust and worldly glory.
We believe in eternal reward as typified by heaven and hell. Revelation 14:10-11.
We believe in Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and the gift of the Holy Spirit Act 2
and 1st Corinthians 12.
We believe in Baptism by immersion but only for persons old enough to understand what it means to accept Jesus Christ as our lord and saviour.
We believe in the Holy Spirit to accomplish miracles as the fulfilment of Christ-promise to the church, Mark 16:14.
We believe that marriage is ordained by God to be a life-long union of man and woman. Consequently, we ABHOR and DISALLOW DIVORCE except in circumstances stated hereinafter in the constitution.
We believe in the divine injunction of tithing as an effective means of proving God’s power in supply, Malachi 3:7-10
We believe in the oneness of church of Christ and in the brotherhood of all CHRISTIANS.
We believe in preaching the gospel to the whole man – spirit, soul and body – and therefore too provide assistance to those in need.